Film produced by Laurie Ross.
We were so pleased that the New Zealand government ratified the ‘Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ at the UN on 29th July 2018 that the Peace Foundation celebrated this by launching the ‘New Zealand Nuclear Free Peacemaker’ 30th Anniversary documentary film produced by Laurie Ross. The film records the Auckland Peace Event which she coordinated with the Peace Foundation in June 2017 and features Mayor for Peace - Phil Goff, NZ Peace Movement leaders, politicians and musicians.
The film also provides flashbacks of historic moments in Nuclear Free NZ/Aotearoa linking the vision for global nuclear disarmament past, present and future.
It communicates the Great Spirit which flows through the heart of this country for Rangimarie (Peace) for humanity and the Earth.
Auckland Domain 11 June 2017
The major focus of the event was the formation of a giant human CND peace symbol behind Auckland Museum. The shape was laid out with rope in order that hundreds of people could stand together to make this powerful statement. The aerial photograph was taken by a GreenPeace drone and sent around the world to support the historic Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at the United Nations in New York. The Treaty prohibits the production, transfer, threat of use or use of nuclear weapons and would stigmatise investment and make possession illegal.
It featured the Mayor Phil Goff who is one of over 7000 Mayors for Peace committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons, along with Orakei Marae kaumatua Bob Hawke. There was music of marimbas, the SGINZ Brass band, cello/guitar duo 'Heartstrings' and leading NZ singer songwriters Brenda Liddiard and Mark Laurent. Politicians of all parties spoke as well as Peace Movement leaders eg. Maire Leadbeater and George Armstrong.
The Mayor unveiled a peace plaque beside a pohutukawa tree, in honour of Nuclear Free Aotearoa/New Zealand 30th anniversary and all the people who work for peace. Waitemata Local Board sponsored the plaque, endorsing the spirit of the 2011 Auckland Peace City Declaration. The finale was the releasing of Peace doves by the children gathered round the Mayor.
Plaque ‘Pohutukawa for peace' planted 11/11/11 Honouring those who work for peace. This plaque marks the 30th anniversary of the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone 8 June 2017.
The NZ Human Peace symbol demonstrates our support for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). It is time for humanity to be freed from the threat of nuclear annihilation war weapons and Ban the Bomb.
Nuclear Free NZ 30th anniversary Auckland Domian: ICAN banner held by Emanuel, Theo, Sofia and Nuriya (grandchildren of Laurie Ross and greatchildren of Larry Ross of NZ Nuclear Free Zone Peacemaking Association 1981- 2007).
New Zealanders were opposed to nuclear testing in the Pacific but allowed nuclear ships into NZ. In the 1970s there were a few groups like the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and the Peace Squadron flotilla which protested when nuclear ships came to visit.
It was not until the early 1980s that neighbourhood peace groups formed throughout Auckland and New Zealand to lobby local councils to declare nuclear weapon free zones as well as petitioning parliament. There were 105 local council declarations covering 72% of the population between 1982-87 when the historic legislation was passed.
Peace torches carried by Sri Chinmoy runners led the way at the Auckland Nuclear Free Peace Celebration. 'It is vital that the torch be passed on to the younger generation and new migrants through public peace events in order that they may learn about our peace culture and the national victory for Nuclear Free Peacemaking.
The Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act of 1987 was the result of well organised peaceful protest and intensive political lobbying by peace groups throughout the country.
This gathering was sending a signal from a Nuclear Free New Zealand to a Nuclear Free World.
The event, sponsored by the Peace and Disarmament Education Trust demonstrated the ongoing unity in diversity of the people in Aotearoa/NZ.
Peace Foundation stall and large banner with Peace flaglets made by artist Katherine Ross.
'Spirit of Peace' singers - Laurie Ross, Stephanie McKee, Sally Maybelle backed by Sasha Witten Hannah (with Nuclear Free Peacemaker, Peace Foundation and Auckland Peace City banners)..
Mayor for Peace Phil Goff speaks for Nuclear Free Peacemaking New Zealand / Aotearoa.
Auckland Peace City Mayor, Phil Goff, and children releasing peace doves.
If you would like to hold an exhibition in your centre, please contact Laurie Ross
Top left photo… Speaker: Associate Professor of Law Treasa Dunworth on the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. Top right photo… Nuclear Free Peacemaker Exhibition Coordinator: Laurie Ross with Sir Bob Harvey former Mayor for Peace of Waitakere City looking at 1983 West Auckland Peace Group photo. Bottom photo… Musicians: ‘Heartstrings’ cello/guitar duo with Natarani and Sasha Witten-Hannah.
Treasa Dunworth, Associate Professor of Law presentation at Waitakere Central Library 19th August for West Auckland Peace Group at the Nuclear Free New Zealand Peacemaker exhibition.
Prof. Dunworth, a resident of Titirangi has just returned from the United Nations in New York where the historic Treaty to 'Ban the Bomb' has been agreed to by 122 nations. She says that now it is important for people to tell their MPs that New Zealand should be among the first to sign the treaty in September.
It has taken 72 years since the horrific bombing of Hiroshima to achieve the legally binding ban on nuclear weapons of mass destruction on humanitarian grounds. Any use of these weapons would produce catastophic suffering upon humanity and likely annihilation.
The Treaty prohibits the possession, production, stationing and facilitation of nuclear weapons.
This is why community peace groups were formed throughout New Zealand in the 1980s which successfully achieved the NZ Nuclear Free Zone policy.
See and hear Treasa Dunworth lecture on the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty 2017: or visit Peace West's Facebook page at (Both will open in a new window).
'Never under estimate the power of the people organised for peace' says event organiser Laurie Ross.
Presentation by Laurie Ross - Peace Foundation NZ. With keynote speaker Dr Rod Alley - New Zealand National Consultative Committee on Disarmament on the UN Nuclear Weapons ban treaty. Sponsored by the United Nations Association of NZ (, Victoria University School of Architecture and the Peace and Disarmament Education Trust (PADET).
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